Monday, September 21, 2009

Goodie Bags

Goodie Bags are the most important part of a Birthday Party to a child so please don't ever forget this, we did. SIL had a birthday party for her hubby yesterday where some of their friends and their 3 year old son were invited, so obviously they had told him he was going to birthday party, about half way through he's like where are the goodie bags? Everyone's face could we all have gotten so old that we forgot the importance of goodie bags!!! I guess we prefer beer to goodie bags nowadays, but we did have cake! In walked another party goer a little later and the little boy is like It's a birthday and there's NO goodie bags!! It was adorable but sad haha, so SIL being the great gal that she is put together a cute little bag of candy corn, M&M's and a granola bar and even sharpied his little name on the bag. Isn't it funny the things you loved as child and completely made your day and how quickly you forget them? It made me reminisce about some of my favorite things:

#1 - Goodie Bags (obviously)

#2 - Ants on a log (celery with peanut butter & raisins)

#3 - Sandboxes

#4 - Flashlight Tag

#5 - The day the pool opened (which is still of great importance to me haha)

#6 - Cool Lunchboxes

#7 - Peanut Butter, Honey & Banana Sandwiches

#8 - Making cookies with mom but really just sitting on the counter and eating the product

#9 - Monopoly

#10 - Summer Vacation

#11 - Puppy Chow (that chex mix covered in peanut butter, chocolate & powdered sugar)

#12 - Frogger

#13 - Keds & Jellies

#14 - Mudpies

#15 - Tooth Fairy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a funny story! Hilarious!